With public transportation
Via U Bahn Line U7 Station Siemensdamm
Via Bus Line 123 or 139 Station Siemensdamm
We are looking forward to your visit!
With public transportation
Via U Bahn Line U7 Station Siemensdamm
Via Bus Line 123 or 139 Station Siemensdamm
We are looking forward to your visit!
With public transportation
Via U Bahn Line U7 Station Siemensdamm
Via Bus Line 123 or 139 Station Siemensdamm
We are looking forward to your visit!

1981 September Founding of Spektrum GmbH as a Spin Off from Optical Institute of the Technical University of Berlin
1983 - 1989 Development and Production of Medical Lasers for Ophthalmological Applications
9th of November 1989 Innovation Price of Berlin
1989 - 1997 Development of Diode Pumped Lasers and Production of Lamp Pumped Solid State Laser
1997 - 1999 Production of first DPSS Lasers
1999 - 2013 Owner/Partner of IB Laser Berlin
Production of Lamp Pumped and DPSS Lasers for medical, industrial and military applications
2014 Upgrading and increasing the development activities of Spektrum for World Wide customers
2014 - 2019 Manufacturing know-how transfer to partner manufacturing sites.
2015 - 2019 Production volume at Berlin and partner manufacturing sites over 850 units.
2017 Founding of Spektrum Prisma GmbH
2017-2020 Transfer of business from Spektrum GmbH to Spektrum Prisma GmbH