With public transportation
Via U Bahn Line U7 Station Siemensdamm
Via Bus Line 123 or 139 Station Siemensdamm
We are looking forward to your visit!
With public transportation
Via U Bahn Line U7 Station Siemensdamm
Via Bus Line 123 or 139 Station Siemensdamm
We are looking forward to your visit!
With public transportation
Via U Bahn Line U7 Station Siemensdamm
Via Bus Line 123 or 139 Station Siemensdamm
We are looking forward to your visit!

Spektrum Prisma GmbH
development manufacture distribution
The Spektrum Prisma GmbH develops and produces customer-specific and innovative laser solutions.
As a specialist in the field of diode-pumped short-pulse lasers with a unique beam quality, we develop powerful lasers that are precisely tailored to the customer's requirements.
Different concepts for pumping of laser crystals in the longitudinal and transverse variant were extensively optimized.
The solid-state lasers based on a Nd-YAG and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonics generate the desired light radiation of 1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm. Either individually or in combination.
Our lasers are characterized by their compact design. All optical and electrical components required for laser operation are contained in the laser head and the laser is prepared for air or water cooling.
Application examples of our Nd:YAG compact Lasers

Flat Panel Display Manufacturing
Repair of Flat Panel Displays